Here is Watchtower introducing an article explaining a pyramid being of false religious origin[1]:
Here is Watchtower introducing an article explaining a pyramid being of false religious origin[1]:

Here is Watchtower’s name carved into a small scale replica of that very same pyramid of false religious origin[2]:

So we have Watchtower effectively private labeling a miniature version of a pyramid of false religious origin.
There must be some cryptic message conveyed in this remarkable irony. Perhaps Watchtower will find an antitypical connection to this monument branded with its name, like it has for just about everthing else.[3]
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Watchtower, May 15, 1956, p. 297.
2. Photographs of the pyramid monument at Watchtower's cemetary plot in Rosemont United Cemetery at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
3. The Religion Business — Watchtower is no exception
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