Under Watchtower’s Judicial System[1] for each case heard before a Judicial Committee there is a file generated. What is in this file?
If the judicial case ends with a person being disfellowshipped then elders are directed to place at least two things into these files:
1. A summary of the case[2-4] and,
2. A completed S-77 form.[5]
If the judicial case does not end with a person being disfellowshipped then elders are directed to place at least one thing into these files:
1. A summary of the case[2-4]
In addition to the above, if there is other material such as documentary evidence this too may also be in these files.
Based on reports from lawyers it seems that when courts have ordered Watchtower to hand over the contents of judicial files they have handed over the completed S-77 forms but sometimes without case summaries. This would mean that either local elders did not follow Watchtower instructions or else the Court's order was not fully complied with.
These case summaries can be quite entertaining to read. Historically Watchtower provided no form to follow, hence local elders used a wide array of formats, means and methods of constructing and archiving these documents. Because the formal training and education of elders varies so widely, I have seen these summaries take forms varying from bare-bone overviews to nearly word-for-word transcripts. It is also not unusual to find in these summaries personal opinions held by elders on the judicial committee that range from fantastic to outright bizarre.
When the Court orders the content of judicial files to be handed over and all attorneys get is a completed S-77 document then something is wrong. If there is an S-77 form in the file it means there should also be at least one other document in the form of a case summary.
Marvin Shilmer
1. Watchtower’s Judicial System
2.Shepherd the Flock of God, published by Watchtower, 2010, p. 101.

3. Pay Attention to Yourselves and All the flock, published by Watchtower, 1991, p. 122.

4. Pay Attention to Yourselves and All the flock, published by Watchtower, 1981, p. 162.

5. S-77 and S-79 Disfellowshipping and Disassociation forms
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