On October 2, 1999 it was announced that Samuel Herd had been appointed as a member of Watchtower’s Governing Body. 20 years prior, in 1979, there was an incident involving Herd evidencing disconnect between the culture of and around Watchtower representatives compared with that recommended to, and in many cases suffered through by the rank-and-file membership.
The year 1979 marked a year of economic downturn and fear. The Iranian Revolution began. Gas prices were shooting through the roof. Inflation was running in double digits. For the average wage-earner it was a very tough time. For the average family bread-winner it was flat out scary.
In year 1979 Samuel Herd was a District Overseer responsible for 158 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses composing Watchtower’s District 5 on the East Coast of the United States. He needed transportation. Here is what he got:
On October 2, 1999 it was announced that Samuel Herd had been appointed as a member of Watchtower’s Governing Body. 20 years prior, in 1979, there was an incident involving Herd evidencing disconnect between the culture of and around Watchtower representatives compared with that recommended to, and in many cases suffered through by the rank-and-file membership.
The year 1979 marked a year of economic downturn and fear. The Iranian Revolution began. Gas prices were shooting through the roof. Inflation was running in double digits. For the average wage-earner it was a very tough time. For the average family bread-winner it was flat out scary.
In year 1979 Samuel Herd was a District Overseer responsible for 158 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses composing Watchtower’s District 5 on the East Coast of the United States. He needed transportation. Here is what he got:

This automobile was Oldsmobile’s fully loaded luxury sedan, and it was brand spanking new. It was paid for by congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses who were struggling through severe economic times.[1-2]

Of course Samuel Herd thanked the congregations for their generosity, as well he should have. But why would he need such a vehicle in the first place given the utilitarian nature of his work and the dire circumstance of the brethren? I thought District Overseers used their transportation as a utility.[3]

Maybe it's just me, but the reality does not seem to fit the portrayal.
Marvin Shilmer
1. Letter from District Overseer’s Car Committee, addressed to All Congregations in District #5, dated August 24, 1979.
2. Receipt, Statement, disclosure and note submitted by Samuel Herd, dated July 1979.
3. Jehovah’s Witnesses Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, published by Watchtower, 1993, p. 224.
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