At Watchtower’s 1928 annual convention Clayton Woodworth told listeners that folks want a leader, so he sold them Joseph Rutherford as a leader. He encouraged those listeners to do the same thing he was doing.[1]
At Watchtower’s 1928 annual convention Clayton Woodworth told listeners that folks want a leader, so he sold them Joseph Rutherford as a leader. He encouraged those listeners to do the same thing he was doing.[1]

Yet, according to Watchtower, Woodworth did not actually believe what he was selling. Watchtower says Rutherford was not their leader and Witnesses knew this.[2]

Clayton Woodworth was a key figure within the Watchtower organization. He was willing to be dishonest and to encourage that others do the same.[3]
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Messenger, published by Watchtower, August 1, 1928, p. 7.
2. Jehovah’s Witnesses Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, published by Watchtower, 1993, p. 221.
3. For more on Clayton Woodworth see the articles
Clayton Woodworth — What Religion?
Under “demonical control”
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