When a subject of Watchtower’s judicial system[1] wants to have information about themselves from the Watchtower organization's files, the individual is turned down on the ground of “strict confidentiality”.[2] Apparently what Watchtower keeps on file about individuals is so confidential that it is inappropriate to share it even with the subject of that information!
When a subject of Watchtower’s judicial system[1] wants to have information about themselves from the Watchtower organization's files, the individual is turned down on the ground of “strict confidentiality”.[2] Apparently what Watchtower keeps on file about individuals is so confidential that it is inappropriate to share it even with the subject of that information!

Yet Watchtower has taken the initiative to share highly personal information contained within its files with another congregation’s entire body of elders![3]

Apparently “strict confidentiality” means Watchtower’s information is strictly off-limits to the subject of that information, but it’s okay for Watchtower to share the subject’s highly personal information with a body of elders in another congregation!
Marvin Shilmer
1. Watchtower’s Judicial System
2. Letter from Watchtower lawyer, dated February 16, 1996. (Full text of this letter is available in the article Watchtower Lawyer Fills in the Baptism Blank)
3. Letter from Watchtower, dated August 4, 1976.

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