It turns out that Nathan Knorr (Watchtower’s President 1942-1977) and Robert E. Lee (C. S. A. Commanding General 1862-1865) have something in common.
One-hundred years after the American Civil War, to get a passport Nathan Knorr pledged allegiance to the United States.[1]
It turns out that Nathan Knorr (Watchtower’s President 1942-1977) and Robert E. Lee (C. S. A. Commanding General 1862-1865) have something in common.
One-hundred years after the American Civil War, to get a passport Nathan Knorr pledged allegiance to the United States.[1]

Immediately after the American Civil War, to get amnesty Robert E. Lee pledged allegiance to the United States.

One-hundred years after the American Civil War, and at the same time Nathan Knorr was pledging allegiance to the United States as had Robert E. Lee before him, the Watchtower organization required Jehovah’s Witnesses of Malawi to refuse handing over a few cents to be handed back a blank MCP document that they could have either completed on their own or thrown in the trash just as blank as it was when they got it.[2-4]

● Lee got his amnesty.
● Knorr got his passport.
● Malawians got raped and murdered.
Unfortunately I do not have an image to put on the MCP card showing the faces of individuals who were raped and murdered. If I had such images I would show them to honor the brave and and let readers make what they will of Watchtower's contrary behavior in the face of such bravery!
But the image shown above does include blood shed by one of my very brave Malawian brothers. That is what you see on the peripheral of the document shown above!
The biblical statement is literally true:
“[M]an has dominated man to his injury.”—(Eccl. 8:9)
Marvin Shilmer
1. Oath of Allegiance and Jehovah's Witnesses
2. Malawi Congress Party Card
3. Malawi — Savage Betrayal by Watchtower?
4. Marvin Shilmer: MCP Card Distribution--An Article
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