All communities have need for psychotherapy. The community of Jehovah’s Witnesses is no different than all the rest except that it is sufficiently large and unique to support a degree of specialization in this field.
When I Google the words psychotherapist Jehovah Witnesses this tops the list[1]:
All communities have need for psychotherapy. The community of Jehovah’s Witnesses is no different than all the rest except that it is sufficiently large and unique to support a degree of specialization in this field.
When I Google the words psychotherapist Jehovah Witnesses this tops the list[1]:

To be clear, seeking psychotherapy is a healthy thing and does not suggest anything untoward, demeaning or inherently faulty about a person or community’s means, intelligence, morality or character. But communities that are sufficiently large and unique as a social sphere will tend to support specialization in this field for the reason that humans are social creatures; hence our social sphere unavoidably impacts us. Whatever society a person finds themselves in, it has a substantial impact on their faculty for thought, judgment, and emotion.
In an era where political correctness often runs arye, it is refreshing to see the professional firm above advertise itself for the benefit of a community that, like others, needs support in this field.
Marvin Shilmer
1. This screen shot is of the homepage for http://www.rcampbellphdmft.com/ as downloaded and viewed on August 1, 2011. A brief check of sources suggests this licensed therapist is skilled in his field and has contributed to improved psychological health of many Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is not a recommendation or endorsement. I am only sharing what has been expressed to me as a potential resource for readers.
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