Since year 1988 the Watchtower organization has, in the United States, supplied transportation to its traveling representatives (called Circuit and District Overseers) via a centralized leasing program.[1] But how was it done prior to that?
The following letters cover a 9-month period and are from the files of a single congregation. They provide a glimpse of what went on and how things worked prior to centralized leasing of automobiles.
Since year 1988 the Watchtower organization has, in the United States, supplied transportation to its traveling representatives (called Circuit and District Overseers) via a centralized leasing program.[1] But how was it done prior to that?
The following letters cover a 9-month period and are from the files of a single congregation. They provide a glimpse of what went on and how things worked prior to centralized leasing of automobiles.

Further documentation related to this piece of Watchtower history is found in two earlier articles on this blog.[2-3]
Marvin Shilmer
1. Under this program the Watchtower organization leases cars from an automobile dealership and then distributes these to its traveling representatives. After a fixed period of time these cars are returned to the dealership and a new leased auto is issued to the rep. The returned automobile is then sold by the dealership to whoever wants to make the purchase.
2. See: Governing Body — Samuel Herd — 1979
3. See: Desperation — Personal letter to Watchtower leader
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