___ Once upon a time the following working attire was commonplace in the factory at Bethel.[ 1 ] It was very hot in the factory. Menfolk did...

___ Once upon a time the following working attire was commonplace in the factory at Bethel.[ 1 ] It was very hot in the factory. Menfolk did...
___ In some cultures there is history of mother’s stroking the genitalia of infants to calm them. Apparently this was sufficiently alarming ...
___ Watchtower standard issue bedroom for its workers just prior to the stock market crash of 1929.[ 1 ] Watchtower standard issue bedroom f...
___ Watchtower publishes a great deal about blood in an effort to persuade the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses that its blood doctrine is b...
___ Playing word games with the health of unsuspecting children is standard-issue evilness. Watchtower asserts the following of a decision r...
___ My experience within the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses leads me to believe most do not understand the Watchtower organization’s doctr...
___ Watchtower said: Then Watchtower said: Satan, then God. Marvin Shilmer ______________ References 1. The Watchtower , October 1, 193...
___ Watchtower said: Then Watchtower said: God, then Satan. Marvin Shilmer ______________ References 1. The Way To Paradise , published...
___ The Watchtower organization has for decades taught that its Governing Body was modeled after the special apostolic council held at Jerus...
___ The “Bible Scholar”[ 1 ] The Resume[ 2 ] Marvin Shilmer ______________ References 1. The Golden Age , May 13, 1931, p. 544. 2. Mi...
___ What in the world?[ 1 ] Is this article making light of one of Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced for public inebriation? Or, Is this article...
___ An earlier article on this blog shared two letters written by a long-time and high-ranking elder who resigned his position and withdrew ...
___ All communities have need for psychotherapy. The community of Jehovah’s Witnesses is no different than all the rest except that it is su...
___ An earlier article in this blog shares the personal letter of a long-standing and high-ranking elder written to Albert Schroeder, then a...
___ The online world is chocked full of noise asserting a higher rate of mental illness among Jehovah’s Witnesses compared to other religiou...
___ In year 1944 the Watchtower organization announced suddenly to Jehovah’s Witnesses that accepting transfusion of blood was sinful.[ 1 ] ...