The week of November 27th 2006 Watchtower had elders address each congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses using a specially prepared outline provided by Watchtower’s Branch offices coving the subject of blood. Elders were instructed in writing twice to adhere closely to this outline. These special outlines were to be distributed to every elder, and my copy is provided below.[1]
This outline called for reading of paragraphs from an article in the November 2006 issue of Our Kingdom Ministry, also published by Watchtower. Following the readings questions were to be posed to Jehovah’s Witnesses in attendance for answer.
The first question asked the audience was:
● "What are blood fractions, and why is their use a matter for each Christian to decide?"

The answer provided by Watchtower[2] reads:
● “Blood fractions are elements from blood that are extracted through a process called fractionation... Are fractions also covered by the command to abstain from blood? We cannot say. The Bible does not give specific direction on the subject of fractions.”

The above poses a big problem for thinking members of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If the reason why Witnesses can accept “fractions” from blood is that the Bible does not give specific direction on the subject of fractions then Watchtower has no reason to forbid the same Witnesses from accepting constituents from blood such as platelets. The Bible is just as silent about blood constituents such as platelets as it is about constituents Watchtower labels as “fractions”.
Despite the Bible offering no more specific direction on the subject of, for example, platelets than it offers on the subject of “fractions” Watchtower does nevertheless forbid Jehovah’s Witnesses from accepting transfusion of products such as platelets.
Watchtower defies the very reasoning it offers to individual members of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Marvin Shilmer
1. Watchtower provided outline issued for use in November 2006:

2. Our Kingdom Ministry, published by Watchtower, Nov. 2006 p. 3.)
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