For more than half a century the Watchtower organization has had congregation elders submit written reports of members who had been disfellowshipped. Watchtower would catalogue this information and retain it indefinitely.
An article below details a form Watchtower terms S-77 and accompanying forms termed S-79a and S-79b.[ 1] A reader corresponded and wanted to know why Watchtower skipped from 77 to 79 on forms used for a similar purpose. My response was that Watchtower did not skip the number 78 because prior to the S-79 forms Watchtower would, upon receiving an S-77 form documenting a disfellowshipping, send congregation servants[2] an S-78 form to return when the disfellowshipped person was reinstated.
Here is what the S-78 form looked like:

Marvin Shilmer
1. See: S-77 and S-79 Disfellowshipping and Disassociation forms
2. “Congregation servant” is an expression that more-or-less corresponds to Watchtower’s contemporary usage of “congregation coordinator”.
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