From as early as 1912 the Watchtower organization taught that Adam was not created as a male.[1]:
From as early as 1912 the Watchtower organization taught that Adam was not created as a male.[1]:

As late as 1956 Watchtower affirmed this teaching, and to date has not said otherwise.[2]
So, as it turns out, Adam was not originally created as a male. Rather, in contemporary terminology, Adam was created as androgynous. That is to say, as originally created Adam was neither male nor female according to Watchtower teaching.
This is what Watchtower teaches as the original undivided perfect man made in God’s image.
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Watchtower, December 1, 1912, p. 5141 (reprints)
2. Watchtower — Did Adam have a penis?
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