In January of 1972 Watchtower announced to Jehovah’s Witnesses that homosexual cheating by a marriage mate was not fornication (Greek: porneia) hence not grounds for a scriptural divorce.[1]
In January of 1972 Watchtower announced to Jehovah’s Witnesses that homosexual cheating by a marriage mate was not fornication (Greek: porneia) hence not grounds for a scriptural divorce.[1]

This teaching was changed in fairly short order. In December of 1972 Watchtower announced that homosexual cheating by a marriage mate was fornication (Greek: porneia) hence grounds for a scriptural divorce.[2]

What happened in between?
During year 1971 Watchtower was busy revamping its organizational course known as Kingdom Ministry School for local congregational oversight.[3] Early in 1972 the course had been reconstructed and instructors were sent through a training course to teach this newly revamped coursework. Guess what they found?
They found that instructional material prepared prior to January of 1972 and taught after January 1972 addressing divorce was contrary to Watchtower teaching as of January 1972.[3]

It turns out that different departments inside Watchtower held different views on what constituted a scriptural divorce. Watchtower’s Service Department had prepared instructional material for elders[3-4] saying homosexual cheating was grounds for scriptural divorce and Watchtower’s Writing Department had prepared instructional material for publication in The Watchtower journal[1] saying homosexual cheating was not grounds for scriptural divorce.
Watchtower teaching was in a state of conflict.
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Watchtower, January 1, 1972, p. 32.
2. The Watchtower, December 15, 1972, p. 767.
3. Kingdom Ministry School Course, published by Watchtower, 1972, p. 110.
4. Kingdom Ministry School for Elders, 1972
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