The Watchtower organization proclaims itself “God’s organization”.
In that self-ordained position the Watchtower organization makes statements of "Satan’s organization".
Who of What
Of Satan’s organization Watchtower says[1]:

With that statement God’s organization condemns Satan’s organization for disfellowshipping members who criticize its teachings.
That condemnation raises the question of how does the Watchtower organization treat its members who criticize its teachings? Does it let its own dogma stand in the way of freedom of thought and expression? Or, does it clamp down on such expression by disfellowshipping members who dare choose to openly offer criticism?
What of Who
Watchtower answers these questions with the following statements[2-3]:

As it turns out the self-proclaimed organization of God practices what it condemns Satan’s organization for doing.
In plain terms, the Watchtower organization disfellowships its members who take the time to offer open criticism of its teachings no matter how well-intended and honest are those criticisms. Said another way, Watchtower clamps down on voicing of dissenting views not because those views are unsound but purely because those views run contrary to its current teaching and they are voiced.
For Watchtower, conformity to its teaching by the membership is everything. As presented by Watchtower attorney Hayden Covington, even when Watchtower publishes a teaching that is false the membership is nevertheless required to believe it because, as he said,
"[Y]ou must understand we must have unity. We cannot have disunity with a lot of people going every way, an army is supposed to march in step.”[4]
So, in 1930 we had God’s organization complaining of the tactic of disfellowshipping as a means to suppress criticism by its membership. But, as it turns out, today Watchtower does that very thing!
Readers should ask themselves the question:
● What has happened to the Watchtower organization that it now employs the same tactic plied by Satan’s organization?
Enemies of truth
This author’s opinion is that the worst enemies of truth among men is anyone who places obstacles in the path of freedom of thought and expression. Watchtower condemns what it terms “Satan’s organization” for doing this, yet the Watchtower organization practices the same thing.[5]
Tis a classic example of the pot complaining the kettle is black.
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Watchtower, October 1, 1930, p. 301.
2. Watchtower letter, September 1, 1980.

3. The Watchtower, April 1, 1986 p. 31.
4. Extract from Pursuer's Proof of Douglas Walsh vs. The Right Honourable James Latham, M.P., P.C., Scottish Court of Sessions, Nov. 1954.

5. See Cyril Lucaris—A Man Who Valued the Bible, The Watchtower, February 15, 2000, p. 26-29.

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