The Overpowering Urge, by Watchtower[1]:
The Overpowering Urge, by Watchtower[1]:

Watchtower’s illustration predicted a time when one individual would have the power to instantly communicate with the entire inhabited earth.
In 1958 Watchtower had no idea how true its illustration would become via the World Wide Web.
Of this insatiable urge, Watchtower wrote:

Though Watchtower published its predictive illustration above, it went on to underestimate the unavoidable impact should it come true. Watchtower’s underestimation allowed it to recklessly go forward publishing information with little concern about its validity.
Today, precisely because of the insatiable urge to communicate — super-turbo charged by the World Wide Web — the Watchtower organization is having imposed upon it its own actions and history by means of this urge it identified long ago.
The illustration above is one Watchtower prediction that is coming true, and it is also coming home to roost in Watchtower’s own backyard.
Marvin Shilmer
1. Awake!, published by Watchtower, October 22, 1958, pp. 17-20.
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