___ Child abuse and molestation are crimes. Under Watchtower doctrine the religion’s leaders are directed to investigate and met out discipl...

___ Child abuse and molestation are crimes. Under Watchtower doctrine the religion’s leaders are directed to investigate and met out discipl...
___ The Watchtower organization’s shunning doctrine is widely felt in the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In effect, the religion asserts ...
___ This blog offers research, documents and commentary on issues important to the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Material is arranged by...
___ The Watchtower organization has for years and years taught that no one would find one of Jehovah’s Witnesses pledging allegiance to any ...
___ The Watchtower organization is in process of holding instructional meetings restricted to men it has appointed to positions of authority...
___ The Watchtower organization imposes a prohibition against Jehovah’s Witnesses accepting transfusion of whole blood or red cells, white c...
___ Watchtower has announced publication and distribution of its new book dated 2010 and titled “ Shepherd the Flock of God—1 Peter 5:2 ”.[1...
___ The Watchtower organization’s blood doctrine is widely publicized in news media for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it has led ...
___ Watchtower’s blood doctrine forbids Jehovah’s Witnesses to accept transfusion of red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. Jehovah’s...
___ A few months ago I promised to have an article prepared by a Malawian addressing distribution of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) card du...
___ (Cartilla de Identidad del Servicio Militar Nacional) (Click images for higher resolution) Marvin Shilmer
___ In an earlier blog article I provided information published by Watchtower suggesting to readers that blood naturally separates into the ...
___ Watchtower wants Witnesses to think blood naturally separates into the four constituents known as plasma, red cells, white cells and pla...
___ The Watchtower organization teaches that Witnesses do not join political parties and do not accept military training. In the 1960s and...
___ The Watchtower organization teaches that Witnesses do not vote in political elections and do not join political parties. In the 1960s ...
___ The national oath of allegiance pledged by Watchtower’s top leadership was a pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. Speci...
___ In 1891 Charles Taze Russell pledged the oath of allegiance. In 1922 Joseph Rutherford pledged the oath of allegiance. In 1935 Watchto...
___ (Click image for better resolution) Translation (click image for better resolution)