
The Watchtower organization has spent considerable sums of money digging through extensive records and documents found in remote locations all over Europe and beyond. What was it looking for? It was looking for a means to document and share with the world how many of Jehovah’s Witnesses suffered and died under the WWII German Nazi regime headed by Adolf Hitler.
Neutrality and Jehovah’s Witnesses
In April 1996 the Watchtower organization founded its Watchtower History Archive of Jehovah's Witnesses in Seltzer/Taunus, Germany to carry out this purpose. The original Director was Johannes S. Wrobel who had been working at Watchtower’s German Headquarters since 1972.
Watchtower’s History Archive catalogs thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses (“Bible Students”) subjected to the then Nazi regime. These are catalogued by name, sex, nationality, place(s) of incarceration, survivor or not, and current whereabouts and religious affiliation if known.
Ostensibly the Watchtower organization uses this expensive and massive documentation to advertise and emphasize the religious faithfulness of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The Watchtower organization takes care to point out that due to dictates of the WWII German Nazi regime about 2,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses died as a result of abiding by the Watchtower organization’s teaching on neutrality. These 2,000 deaths occurred over the 12-year period of 1933 to 1945.[1]

The Watchtower organization has spent considerable sums of money digging through extensive records and documents found in remote locations all over Europe and beyond. What was it looking for? It was looking for a means to document and share with the world how many of Jehovah’s Witnesses suffered and died under the WWII German Nazi regime headed by Adolf Hitler.
Neutrality and Jehovah’s Witnesses
In April 1996 the Watchtower organization founded its Watchtower History Archive of Jehovah's Witnesses in Seltzer/Taunus, Germany to carry out this purpose. The original Director was Johannes S. Wrobel who had been working at Watchtower’s German Headquarters since 1972.
Watchtower’s History Archive catalogs thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses (“Bible Students”) subjected to the then Nazi regime. These are catalogued by name, sex, nationality, place(s) of incarceration, survivor or not, and current whereabouts and religious affiliation if known.
Ostensibly the Watchtower organization uses this expensive and massive documentation to advertise and emphasize the religious faithfulness of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The Watchtower organization takes care to point out that due to dictates of the WWII German Nazi regime about 2,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses died as a result of abiding by the Watchtower organization’s teaching on neutrality. These 2,000 deaths occurred over the 12-year period of 1933 to 1945.[1]

Part of this presentation of historical information is to share the then symbol Jehovah’s Witnesses were compelled to wear. The symbol was a purple triangle.
This symbol represents 2,000 deaths:

Blood and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Given the time and money the Watchtower organization has spent to document and publish the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses who suffered and died in Nazi Germany over its neutrality doctrine, one can only wonder why the same organization has not done the same thing to determine and share with the world just how many of its members have suffered and died over its blood doctrine.
This question arises because the number meeting death due to Nazi Germany pales compared to the number meeting death due to Watchtower’s blood doctrine.
Over the years the Watchtower organization has emphasized the purple triangle its members were compelled to wear by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi government. It seems fitting that a symbol should be adopted to represent Jehovah’s Witnesses who have suffered and died under Watchtower’s governance. This symbol should be something the Watchtower organization compelled Jehovah’s Witnesses to carry and show when asked. The following symbol fits the bill.
This symbol represents more than 50,000 deaths!!!

The Watchtower organization should publish this symbol along with what it represents in the way of preventable deaths.
According to Watchtower, over the 12-year period of 1933 to 1945 there were about 2,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses who died as a result of Nazi rule.
In year 2011 alone, there were about 2,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses who suffered death as a result of Watchtower’s blood doctrine.[2]
Historians look back on Nazi Germany and see the purple triangle for what it really represented: An oppressive regime that killed 2,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Historians will look back on Watchtower’s era and see the noblood symbol for what it really represents: An oppressive regime that killed tens of thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Marvin Shilmer
1. Study Guide for the Documentary Video "Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault", Published by Watchtower, 1997, p. 6.
2. This statistic is found in the article More than 50,000 dead!
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