Carl Sagan accurately commented on a particular teaching of the Watchtower organization, saying it had predicted the world would end in 1914.[1-2]
Carl Sagan accurately commented on a particular teaching of the Watchtower organization, saying it had predicted the world would end in 1914.[1-2]

Based on the form of Watchtower’s response to utter failure of its prediction, Sagan made assertions of the organization. Sagan wrote[3]:

According to Carl Sagan, the Watchtower organization’s response to the failure of its 1914 prediction is shamelessly dishonest, transparent evasion and contemptuous of the intelligence of their adherents.[4]
Carl Sagan needs no introduction. He was a smart guy. Seeing through bull was one of his specialties.
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Time is at Hand, published by Watchtower, 1902 p. 101.
2. See Taught what about 1914? for a full page scan of The Time is at Hand, published by Watchtower, 1902 p. 101.
3. Broca's Brain by Carl Sagan, Ballantine Books, New York, 1980, pp. 332-333.
4. For more shameless contempt of the intelligence of Watchtower followers see Watchtower — Hollow Prophecy
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