In year 1943 the Watchtower organization published a book titled The Truth Shall Set You Free. This book contains a remarkable set of illustrations of Eve and her daughters leading to a question.
The first image of a female in the main text of this publication is of a perfect Eve in Paradise.
In year 1943 the Watchtower organization published a book titled The Truth Shall Set You Free. This book contains a remarkable set of illustrations of Eve and her daughters leading to a question.
The first image of a female in the main text of this publication is of a perfect Eve in Paradise.

The next image is of Eve at the time of sin.

Then we have Eve being condemned by God.

Then it shows Eve being kicked out of Eden by God.

The book shows daughters of Eve outside of Eden.

It shows daughters of Eve prior to the biblical flood of Noah.

It shows daughters of Eve about to die in the biblical flood of Noah.

The last image of a female in the main text of this book shows daughters of Eve who make it to the return of Paradise earth.

What is wrong with this final illustration of Watchtower’s 1943 book, The Truth Shall Set Your Free?
Marvin Shilmer
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