Over years the Watchtower organization has had quite a bit to say about the board game known as Ouija.
To my knowledge there is only one image ever published by Watchtower illustrating the playing of this game. The image is found in an article appearing in a 1955 article published in The Watchtower.[ 1]
Over years the Watchtower organization has had quite a bit to say about the board game known as Ouija.
To my knowledge there is only one image ever published by Watchtower illustrating the playing of this game. The image is found in an article appearing in a 1955 article published in The Watchtower.[ 1]

This illustration demonstrates a game of Ouija in progress. Curiously, apparently Watchtower was then of a mind that playing Ouija is an event to dress for.
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Watchtower, September 1, 1955, p. 532.
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