In December of 1944 the Watchtower organization rolled out its teaching that accepting medical transfusion of blood is sin.[1]
In March of 1942 the same brains at Watchtower were publishing stuff like this[2]:
In December of 1944 the Watchtower organization rolled out its teaching that accepting medical transfusion of blood is sin.[1]
In March of 1942 the same brains at Watchtower were publishing stuff like this[2]:

I recommend readers think long and hard about them there apples.
Marvin Shilmer
1. Blood — What Happened at Watchtower in 1945?.
2. Consolation, published by Watchtower, March 4, 1942, p. 19. (Subliminal cat from Alice in Wonderland added for fun. According to one reader of my blog who recommended it, it seemed fitting. Thanks to the reader!)
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