___ In year 1943 the Watchtower organization published a book titled The Truth Shall Set You Free . This book contains a remarkable set of i...

___ In year 1943 the Watchtower organization published a book titled The Truth Shall Set You Free . This book contains a remarkable set of i...
___ All Jehovah’s Witnesses alive as of this writing have had the year 1914 branded into their psyche as a pivotal year, the year Jesus took...
___ There are legs, and then there are legs . The Instruction Watchtower’s Governing Body encourages Jehovah’s Witnesses to imagine biblical...
___ Returning my blog presentation to a more serious tone... What is the relevance of articles below publicizing historical conclusions pres...
___ Watchtower’s “faithful slave” in all its wisdom identified firewalkers as demon possessed.[ 1 ] (click image to enlarge) It's just ...
___ Over years the Watchtower organization has had quite a bit to say about the board game known as Ouija . To my knowledge there is only on...
___ In year 1955 Watchtower published what probably stands as the single most remembered illustration of Eve.[ 1 ] (click image to enlarge) ...
___ The Bible has a story of a talking snake. Watchtower has its own story of a talking snake[ 1 ]: (click image to enlarge) My best guess i...
___ Watchtower teaches that, since the biblical flood of Noah, demons have been barred by God from materializing in the flesh. But this does...
___ According to Watchtower, a judge without any specified supernatural power outdid a demon in his court.[ 1 ] (click image to enlarge) I c...
___ According to Watchtower, gifted Hindu contortionists are, you guessed it, demonized.[ 1 ] (click image to enlarge) Marvin Shilmer ______...
___ According to Watchtower, Bozo the dog was plainly demonized[ 1 ]. Plainly! (click image to enlarge) Marvin Shilmer ______________ Refere...
___ In December of 1944 the Watchtower organization rolled out its teaching that accepting medical transfusion of blood is sin.[ 1 ] In Marc...
___ The Watchtower organization has taught that demons have a means of materializing.[ 1 ] (click image to enlarge) The same brains that pus...
___ In its wisdom “ the faithful slave ” of Watchtower introduced the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses to ectoplasm as a manifestation of de...
___ Supposedly the following photograph is of a demonized house: (click image to enlarge) According to Watchtower a group of Jehovah's W...
___ The Watchtower organization teaches Jehovah’s Witnesses to form their belief based on what it teaches. What happens as a result? We have...
___ Jehovah’s Witnesses have for years been led to believe it wrong to pledge allegiance to any government other than God’s Kingdom.[ 1 ] Ac...
___ A recent article by Zoe Knox, a historian associated with the University of Leicester, opines that since about year 2000 the Watchtower ...
___ Watchtower asks Jehovah’s Witnesses to treat what it says as the voice of God.[ 1 ] Watchtower asks Jehovah’s Witnesses to look to it fo...
___ Writing about Jehovah’s Witnesses, blood transfusion and patient privacy, one of Watchtower’s lawyers named Donald Ridley writes the fol...
___ Representatives of the Watchtower organization state that Jehovah’s Witnesses respect the autonomy of patients. The same representatives...