Below we have three snapshots in time.[1-3] Two roughly 50-years apart and one roughly in the chronological center of that period. The disparity between these three snapshots is telling. It shows a sure but haphazard dismemberment by the Watchtower organization of its blood doctrine.

Watchtower introduced its blood doctrine related to medical transfusion in year 1944.[4] At its zenith this policy expressed a biblical ban on transfusion of anything at all from blood.[1]
Effect: Watchtower's blood doctrine prohibited transfusion of anything from blood. No blood meant no blood product.
In year 1975 the Medical Director at the Watchtower organization asserted consistency of the doctrinal position in its defense.[2]
By year 2000 the Watchtower organization had altered its blood doctrine to permit everything from blood so long as it was sufficiently fractionated.[3]
Effect: Watchtower's blood doctrine permitted transfusion of any blood product so long as the product was sufficiently fractionated. No blood no longer meant no blood product.
This time-lapsed information shows a slow dismantling of a doctrine Watchtower’s top leadership stopped believing years and years ago.[5] The only consistency is change.
In the meantime Jehovah’s Witnesses have died by the tens of thousands abiding by this doctrine of Watchtower. Over the years this single doctrine has led to more than 30-times the deaths imposed on Jehovah’s Witnesses by Nazi Germany.[6-7]
When will Watchtower’s Governing Body end the carnage? When?
Marvin Shilmer
1. Awake!, published by Watchtower, September 8, 1956, p. 20.
2. Dixon, JL MD, Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusion, Connecticut Medicine, July, 1975, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 433-437. (At the time Dr. Dixon was Medical Director for the Watchtower organization at its world headquarters. )
3. Durable Power of Attorney document, published by Watchtower for Jehovah's Witnesses, 2001, p. 1.
4. Jehovah’s Witnesses Accepting Blood Transfusion
5. Watchtower Leadership – Believe Its Own Blood Doctrine?
6. “The Watchtower History Archive, which at the moment has on record about 13,400 names of believers persecuted in National Socialist Germany and in occupied countries, has identified 1490 deaths: 370 females and males were executed, among them over 270 men for conscientious objection.”—Wrobel, Johannes S, Jehovah’s Witnesses in National Socialist Concentration Camps, 1933 – 45, Religion, State and Society, June 2006, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 89-125.
7. More than 50,000 dead
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