The Watchtower organization has scheduled an announcement to be made April 8th, 2012 of a major overhaul of its internet outreach.[1]
Watchtower depicts this overhaul in these terms[1]:
The Watchtower organization has scheduled an announcement to be made April 8th, 2012 of a major overhaul of its internet outreach.[1]
Watchtower depicts this overhaul in these terms[1]:

Does this overhaul validate the prediction made on this blog dated June 28th, 2011?[2]

If this prediction is true then perhaps it will receive honorable mention as fulfillment of some obscure biblical statement as Watchtower has done with so many of its own piddily statements and actions that have no means of validation whatsoever.
Marvin Shilmer
1. Watchtower letter, dated April 2, 2012. Page two stipulates the scheduled announcement:

2. Watchtower and 2014
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