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Thursday 24 March 2011

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Scriptural argument one

Premise: If God created it to be then it is.—(Ps. 19:1)

Premise: God created some animals to eat unbled animal flesh dead of natural cause.[1-2]

Conclusion: Some animals have eaten unbled animal flesh dead of natural cause since creation.

Scriptural argument two

Premise: Unbled animal flesh dead of natural cause was a sort of food that was eaten prior to the Noachian flood.

Premise: God gave Noah express permission to take for himself every sort of food eaten and let it serve as food for him and for animals on the ark.—[Gen. 6:21]

Conclusion: God gave Noah permission to take unbled carrion dead of natural cause for himself as food while on the ark.


After the flood God instructed Noah to abstain from eating the blood of animals he killed for food and from eating animals without killing and bleeding them first. The blood Noah was told to abstain from was blood obtained by killing. (Gen. 9:3-4)

God did not require Noah to abstain from eating blood other than that obtained by killing, and in fact had earlier given Noah express permission to eat blood as food when it was obtained from the unbled flesh of an animal dead of natural cause, which was already a sort of food eaten since creation.—(Gen. 6:21)

Marvin Shilmer

1. “[The cockroach] is essentially a scavenger, doing the work for which he was created: returning trash, garbage, and dead carcasses to the earth.”—(Awake, published by Watchtower, Jan. 22, 1992 p. 22)

2. “No description of one-celled animal life could afford to bypass the amoeba. We often hear of people becoming sick from drinking impure water containing amoebas. However, amoebas have their important role. Amoebas do not have a shell. They move about by a “flowing” action of their soft inner substance. They therefore constantly change shape. Whenever an amoeba encounters food—bacteria, decaying matter or protozoans it stretches out pseudopodia or false “feet” to surround the object and bring it into the amoeba’s body, where it is digested.”—(Awake, published by Watchtower, Jan. 22, 1974 p. 11)


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