Today a California Superior Court published a ruling addressing real-life effect of the Watchtower organization’s policy that does not have its appointees always inform congregants when a person known to have molested a child is a member of the local congregation.
Here is how Judge Robert McGuiness puts it[1]:
Today a California Superior Court published a ruling addressing real-life effect of the Watchtower organization’s policy that does not have its appointees always inform congregants when a person known to have molested a child is a member of the local congregation.
Here is how Judge Robert McGuiness puts it[1]:

Watchtower policy imperils the safety of children in local congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. It also undermines what the religious organization says about child molestation and molesters. As it turns out, talk is cheap. Watchtower needs to start walking its talk!
At the very least Watchtower’s Governing Body should have its appointed elders announce to local congregants the presence of a known child molester when these elders know a person attending with local congregants has a history of child molestation. Right now Jehovah's Witnesses have monsters like this attending services right along side parents and children, and without being told these monsters are in the same room with their children.
Any questions?[2]
Marvin Shilmer
1. Jane Doe v Watchtower et al, Superior Court of California, County of Almeda, Order Conditionally Granting Motion for New Trial as to Punitive Damages, August 24, 2012.
2. For more on Jane Doe v Watchtower et al, see:
◄ Verdicts for $28,000,001 against Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
◄ Child molester? We would not tell them!
◄ Dangerous Watchtower Dereliction
◄ Shuster's Tale
◄ Who changes Jehovah’s policy?
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