Just prior to wide Internet availability and its explosive use by individuals for personal testimony, the Watchtower organization published an article challenging readers to find overwhelming numbers of victims alleging it had employed ‘brainwash mind-control techniques’.[1]
Just prior to wide Internet availability and its explosive use by individuals for personal testimony, the Watchtower organization published an article challenging readers to find overwhelming numbers of victims alleging it had employed ‘brainwash mind-control techniques’.[1]

According to Watchtower, it would be made obvious that it had employed brainwashing techniques if large numbers of victims were identifiable.
Today we have untold numbers of individual and group web sites that are virtually loaded with precisely what Watchtower alleges would suffice to demonstrate it uses what it terms as brainwashing mind-control techniques.[2]
Readers who’d like to consider what sort of techniques are identified by the Watchtower organization as mind-controlling should consider the article Watchtower Identifies Brainwashing.[3]
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Watchtower, February 15, 1994, p. 6
2. An example of such an internet web site is Jehovahs-Witnesses.net. This web site has an excellent search engine. Searching for “mind control,” “brainwash” or similar terms will readily display plenty of results for review.
3. Watchtower Identifies Brainwashing
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