The Watchtower organization has a written policy that imposes organized communal shunning on Jehovah’s Witnesses who conscientiously accept transfusion of blood.[1] This is a severe form of shunning that creates isolation, which is a central agent in the cause of depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, rape, suicide, mass murder, and a wide variety of disease states.[2-4] Within the organization this shunning is termed as disfellowshipping and/or disassociation.
Jehovah’s Witnesses can escape this consequence of social isolation by abiding Watchtower’s blood doctrine, which means to refuse transfusion of whole blood, red cells, white cells and/or platelets.[5] On many occasions this choice leads to morbidity and death.[6-9]
The Watchtower organization has a written policy that imposes organized communal shunning on Jehovah’s Witnesses who conscientiously accept transfusion of blood.[1] This is a severe form of shunning that creates isolation, which is a central agent in the cause of depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, rape, suicide, mass murder, and a wide variety of disease states.[2-4] Within the organization this shunning is termed as disfellowshipping and/or disassociation.
Jehovah’s Witnesses can escape this consequence of social isolation by abiding Watchtower’s blood doctrine, which means to refuse transfusion of whole blood, red cells, white cells and/or platelets.[5] On many occasions this choice leads to morbidity and death.[6-9]

For Jehovah’s Witnesses who absolutely need medical transfusion of donor blood to save their life, Watchtower offers two options:
● Die from social isolation,
● Die from bleeding out.
That is the proverbial damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't choice the Watchtower organization offers Jehovah's Witnesses.[10]
Marvin Shilmer
1. Shepherd the Flock of God, published by Watchtower and distributed only to its appointed elders, 2010, pp. 111-112.

2. The Watchtower, April 15, 2012, p. 12.

3. Awake!, published by Watchtower, May 22, 1983, p. 15.

4. See the article Watchtower Shunning – Deadly by Design
5. The Watchtower, June 15, 2004, p. 30.
6. Jassar et al, Cardiac Surgery in Jehovah’s Witness Patients: Ten-Year Experience, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2012;93:19–25
7. Death Statistic
8. Cardiac patient given blood, and died
9. Dr. Denton Cooley — Watchtower Misadvertised
10. Guichon et al, Free and informed choice in medical treatment: making it safe to choose for Jehovah’s witnesses, International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oct. 2009, Vol. 116, Issue 11, p. 1540.
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