There are millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the globe, all of whom to one degree or another look to the Watchtower organization as a primary source for information. The Watchtower organization has trained Jehovah’s Witnesses to look to it in this way.
Repeatedly the Watchtower has instructed Jehovah’s Witnesses to spend much personal time researching the organization’s publications.[1]
There are millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the globe, all of whom to one degree or another look to the Watchtower organization as a primary source for information. The Watchtower organization has trained Jehovah’s Witnesses to look to it in this way.
Repeatedly the Watchtower has instructed Jehovah’s Witnesses to spend much personal time researching the organization’s publications.[1]

On the other hand, the Watchtower has trained Jehovah’s Witnesses that they need not spend a lot of time researching outside the organization’s publications.[2]

So how helpful is the Watchtower toward folks who want to spend time researching things Watchtower teaches, but outside the organization’s own publications? Take a look for yourself and decide[3-5]:

The letter from Keith Morse is to learn where he can obtain copy of a translation work cited authoritatively by the Watchtower organization in its own publications. When Mr. Morse asks for assistance in locating the translation, Watchtower lifts not a single finger to help him.
Marvin Shilmer
1. The Watchtower, March 1, 1956, p. 150
2. The Watchtower, June 1, 1967, p. 338
3. Watchtower letter of December 20, 1980 addressed to the Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation.
4. Watchtower letter of December 10, 1981 addressed to Keith Morse.
5 These letters are also published in Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses who love the truth, by William and Joan Cetner, 1983.
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