___ The articles Watchtower on Pollution and Polluters and Watchtower’s Dumping Grounds share information on Watchtower’s pollution of its...

___ The articles Watchtower on Pollution and Polluters and Watchtower’s Dumping Grounds share information on Watchtower’s pollution of its...
___ The earlier article Watchtower on Pollution and Polluters addresses what the Watchtower organization was saying about pollution and po...
___ In an article published at this blog in August of 2011 the question was posed to the Watchtower organization: Watchtower — Where is yest...
___ The president and co-founder of Family Radio, Harold Camping, predicted earthwide annihilation for year 2011. It did not happen .[ 1 ] W...
___ Watchtower’s Governing Body[ 1-2 ] lectures a great deal about faithfulness to Christian neutrality, yet demonstrates unfaithfulness to ...
___ Gene Smalley is a longtime Watchtower insider known for representing the organization’s views on medical use of blood. In year 1997 a se...
___ Until 1995 Watchtower’s Governing Body [ 1 ] expressed the following promise[ 2 ]: Of those who quit in their faithfulness to God’s prom...
___ The Watchtower organization has its own special way of sharing cheer. The above image comes from one of Watchtower's all-time dumbes...
___ What are the Watchtower organization’s historical and contemporary doctrinal positions on individuals holding divergent views from those...
___ Once upon a time the following working attire was commonplace in the factory at Bethel.[ 1 ] It was very hot in the factory. Menfolk did...
___ In some cultures there is history of mother’s stroking the genitalia of infants to calm them. Apparently this was sufficiently alarming ...
___ Watchtower standard issue bedroom for its workers just prior to the stock market crash of 1929.[ 1 ] Watchtower standard issue bedroom f...
___ Watchtower publishes a great deal about blood in an effort to persuade the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses that its blood doctrine is b...
___ Playing word games with the health of unsuspecting children is standard-issue evilness. Watchtower asserts the following of a decision r...
___ My experience within the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses leads me to believe most do not understand the Watchtower organization’s doctr...
___ Watchtower said: Then Watchtower said: Satan, then God. Marvin Shilmer ______________ References 1. The Watchtower , October 1, 193...