___ Near the end of his life Joseph F. Rutherford had this to say of how he was titled[ 1 ]: So, judge or jackass? ◄ Watchtower — Bedrooms ...

___ Near the end of his life Joseph F. Rutherford had this to say of how he was titled[ 1 ]: So, judge or jackass? ◄ Watchtower — Bedrooms ...
___ Is it proper to speak of Jehovah’s Witnesses as an organization? Joseph F. Rutherford said it is " improper " to think of Je...
___ Prior to 1914 Watchtower predicted this[ 1-2 ]: Prior to the 21st century Watchtower predicted this[ 3 ]: Any questions? Marvin Shilmer ...
___ Coval MacDonald and Jeffrey Luckett authored a comprehensive study in 1983 to evaluate whether there is a relationship between religio...
___ Given the potential life and death consequent of following the Watchtower organization’s blood doctrine one would think its leadership w...
___ The Watchtower organization has taught its local appointed representatives to keep a close eye on individuals of the membership. For exa...
___ The text of Genesis 1:26 and 28 and the Watchtower organization are uncooperative. One fights the other. Rulership over animals Genesis ...