___ I’m much pleased to make available a beautiful piece of work that’s been around since at least 2007 but with very little publicity. It’s...

___ I’m much pleased to make available a beautiful piece of work that’s been around since at least 2007 but with very little publicity. It’s...
___ What the Genesis account says about meat eating is a subject of interest in relation to the Watchtower organization’s blood doctrine. Ho...
___ Genesis and Its Authorship , by John Quarry, 1866, p. 78: (click images to enlarge) For related biblical commentary see the article Gene...
___ Pulpit Commentary , by Canon Spence and Joseph Exell, 1881, p. 139: (click images to enlarge) For related biblical commentary see the ar...
___ Old Testament Commentary , by Charles Ellicott, 1882, p. 18: (click images to enlarge) For related biblical commentary see the article G...
___ Hierozoicon , by Samuel Bochart, 1692, col. 11.1.43: Original Latin: Latin to English translation: (click images to enlarge) For related...
___ Creation and the Fall , by Donald MacDonald, 1856, pp. 137-138: (click images to enlarge) For related biblical commentary see the articl...
___ In Primum Mosis librum, qui Genesis vulgo dicitur, Commentarius , John Calvin, 1554, pp. 69-70: (click images to enlarge) Translation of...
___ Babylonian Talmud , Zebahim 116a, Hebrew-English Edition translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman, 1988: (click image to enlarge) For rela...
___ Watchtower’s Governing Body recently sent an instructional form to congregation elders detailing what to do with various of its publicat...
___ 1961 is the year Watchtower began imposing its blood transfusion ban onto Jehovah’s Witnesses under pain of its organized communal shunn...