___ Clayton Woodworth was Editor of the Golden Age magazine published by Woodworth Hudgings & Martin for the Watchtower organization.[...

___ Clayton Woodworth was Editor of the Golden Age magazine published by Woodworth Hudgings & Martin for the Watchtower organization.[...
___ Questions tell their own story. Take a look: (click image to enlarge) (click image to enlarge) (click image to enlarge) (click image to ...
___ Scriptural argument one Premise: If God created it to be then it is.—(Ps. 19:1) Premise: God created some animals to eat unbled animal...
___ It was the year 1944 when Watchtower introduced its notion that to eat blood and/or accept transfusion of blood is sinful.[ 1 ] Immedia...
___ Following is the Vow of Obedience issued for acknowledgment and signature to all members of the Order of Special Full-Time Servants of J...
___ During the 1960s and 70s Jehovah’s Witnesses in the African nation of Malawi suffered horrible persecution—including rape and murder—at ...
___ (click to enlarge image) (click to enlarge image) (click to enlarge image) (click to enlarge image) (click to enlarge image) Marvin Shil...
___ As of January 1961 the Watchtower organization began enforcing its religious position on blood under pain of disfellowshipping. Since th...
___ The following document dated December 17, 1943 is a three page letter from Nathan Homer Knorr to the U.S. Department of State as part of...
___ These documents show Milton Henschel at 23 years of age. At the time he was the private secretary to then Watchtower President, Nathan H...